Merry Christmas Babe

Thanks for the Greatest Birthday Ever!

My birthday was something really special. I had had dinner with my family and expected to see a few of the guys at the house and hang out with a few beers that night since we had a gameday the next day. My first as president, no less, no one would try and distract me when I was all tense for the next day.

Imagine a guy, never had anyone outside his immediate family celebrate it, and then all of a sudden a bunch of girls bring over cake, and then a bunch of guys pile in the room with beer. His 'Little Bro' in the house carrying a 24 pack of his favorite beer, and these girls all care enough to bring him presents.

One present (my favorite as the one that has gotten the most use Ð utility per dollar is highest) was a pair of collared shirts, one of which had cal colors that I wore at every single home gameday for the semester.

It was the most awesome birthday ever, I even cried a little from joy. Yea, I cried.

Of course, there was also another matter, the true best present ever, but I can't talk about that here...She knows...

I tried to surprise her for her birthday with something special. Opening night for the Golden State Warriors season. I don't know if I actually managed to keep it secret from her, but either way I don't think I could ever give her the feeling she gave me.