Together at Last
Since the trip down to UCLA it was a combination of sex, food, studying when necessary, and sleep. And hooking up in the kitchen, can't forget that. And on the pool table, also vital. Apart for the total of two days we were apart up until Dec. 20th, it was an amazing time.
She even came to Thanksgiving with my family (and I to hers in the morning), and amazed my family with how she was. Already hearing from them that she is so sweet and smart.
What a special girl.
Between Thanksgiving and Christmas Break, the highlight, of course, was date party. We spent weeks preparing, really. She bought a dress and I bought a white suit online. From there we ran around to so many different shops to get a matching shirt for me and a jacket for her. The jacket took quite a bit of work, but we got a really cute one.
The day finally came, December 8th, 2007. It was amazing. She was gorgeous. I couldn't even say it enough or to fully explain how hot I thought she looked. I stuck with beautiful, but that word just can't do her justice. Her hair was up with so many curls, fresh pedicure, but really it wasn't even anything like that. It was the fact that she was smiling, that I could see her eyes entirely engulfed by her pupils at one point. It was so breathtaking.
Put that together with this gentle hand grabbing mine, and lips pressed up against mine. It was only quickly, because we were in a hurry to be on time, but I'll remember seeing her in the mirror. Just a single frame in my mind, she's looking at herself, eyes looking down to her feet. I have no idea what she was thinking, but she had the cutest look on her face of satisfaction.
We made it up to the house, plenty of time in actuality. Really, we were the first ones there. It was okay, because she needed to get a corsage that had been left for her by Elise. So while she put that on in my room we made out. Then downstairs, in the other room, I kissed her. I couldn't help myself, she was gorgeous. And we matched! We had to stick together in order to keep the matching going. Easiest way to stick together I can think of is to kiss, and I love her lips any way, so it was no big deal.
The bar guy, we call him Robot, made us some drinks that were too strong, so we fixed them and had delectable gin and juices. They matched my shirt!
Eventually we got on the bus with a bunch of champagne. Rosemary and I sat in the way back with two bottles to ourselves, not that we finished them. No need, I already had the girl of my dreams sitting next to me, however much alcohol I had couldn't make her any better, and I remember being too hungry to think about drinking that much. God I love having her legs on me. I love being able to feel them and kiss her.
We got to the restaurant, took a bunch of pictures, sat down, ate, yelled across tables, and somewhere in there I stopped caring about everything else. Suddenly I saw her and only her. She gave me this little smile and I spent the next however long staring at her. Could have been a few minutes, longer, who knows.
Here was this girl, who two months earlier had said: "It's funny, I've spent the past 48 hours straight with you and I'm not tired of you yet."
Here was this girl I had spent all but two days with for my recent memory. I was more intrigued then ever. I loved her more than ever before. She was going to be with me for the night, I was going to be able to go to sleep with her in my arms. It was the most amazing feeling to know that if everything else in that room disappeared, it wouldn't matter as long as she was still there. A little scary.
We'd return to the house that night to a jazz band playing in our living room. Rosemary and I stowed a champagne bottle in a hidden compartment for later. She was right there with me. We went out on the dance floor. I remember seeing one thing, her eyes. I remember feeling her hand. Soft, perfectly intertwined in mine. Her fingers look just like mine. Yea, I have girly hands. Somehow nothing really mattered. I tried to choreograph a dance be pressing her hand back and then pulling it towards me. It didn't work.
But she smiled, and that made me smile, and nothing else mattered.
We went home that night after a bit, and she slept in my arms. We woke up the next morning and I heard the cutest thing in the world. There was this soft, scratchy voice I would imagine an itty-bitty-kitty having.